Game Listings

Lisitings 201 to 205 of 205

Age of Humanity  Added:  (12/22/24)
Forgotten Realms
The Legends of Krynn  Added:  (02/03/25)
The Legends of Krynn is an internet roleplaying text game based on Dragonlance.
Seattle2064  Added:  (02/14/25)
A heavy roleplaying MUD set in the gritty cyberpunk world of Shadowrun 3rd Edition.
DarkeMUD  Added:  (02/24/25)
An old mud based on Rolemaster game rules
Match of the Millennium MUCK  Added:  (02/28/25)
A roleplaying MUCK set in the modern world of fighting games, with a built-in combat system. OCs allowed!