Game Listings

Lisitings 121 to 130 of 205

Multiverse: Relevations (MultiRev)  Added:  (11/16/22)
Multiverse: Revelations (MultiRev) is an immersive Fantasy Sci-Fi RPG MUSH/MUD set in a rich environment.
Parlor City MUSH  Added:  (11/17/22)
Parlor City MUSH
DeBoMUD  Added:  (11/17/22)
The best and most active brazilian MUD, online since 2005.
Miriani  Added:  (11/20/22)
Experience the adventurous and/or humdrum life of a starship pilot!
Procedural Realms  Added:  (11/20/22)
Casual hack and slash, looting, crafting, and turn-based combat
The World of Pain  Added:  (11/25/22)
Tired of your current "reality"? Enter your addiction: The World of Pain!
Aragond: The Chronicles  Added:  (11/28/22)
Highly immersive, original world with creative, complex code base built over years and a single vision.
Dragon Ball Advent Truth  Added:  (12/05/22)
A unique DBZ roleplaying-heavy MUD with tons to explore and do, created by Iovan in 2009 & still going strong!
Dragonball: Celestial Knights  Added:  (12/10/22)
A new DBZ mud for a new generation
FieryMUD  Added:  (12/12/22)
The original vision of FieryMUD was to create a challanging MUD for advanced players.