Multiverse: Relevations (MultiRev)

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This game is currently ranked #37 with a total of 1 votes this month.

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Multiverse: Revelations (MultiRev) is an immersive Fantasy Sci-Fi RPG MUSH/MUD set in a rich environment.

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The Multiverse: Revelations (MultiRev) is an immersive Sci-Fi Role-Playing MUSH/MUD game which spans across several planets, timelines, solar systems, and galaxies. The game is a compilation of adventure, technologies, ideas, exploration, mystery, intrigue, daily life, survival, and skills. There are very few limits on what your character can do, what they can learn, what they can accomplish, and where they can go. Tell your story through your avatar and become a part of the history of Multiverse: Revelations.

Choose your path, gain skills, engage in combat, explore planets, take to the skies, the choice is yours!

We use two plugins for our game, Orchil and Merciful. We highly recommend Merciful as it allows you to customize your screen and has sound prompts. You can find the plug-in on our website.

If you need help while playing MR, our staff and players are highly responsive and supportive.


Historical Spoilers:

According to Lady Niko: At the beginning of all sentient life, the Founders were charged to tend to their (the sentients) instruction and learning - they were charged by the Hajimari to teach music, art, agriculture, law, economics, and all good things that would be useful for sentient life. However, the sentient beings were not evolving for whatever reason. So, the Hajimari drew parts of the Founders and intertwined their essence with the essence of the Sentient Beings and thus, each group of being evolved and became what you see today...

According to Elia, the Seer of Wolfson: "According to our history, all life began on Eden and spread out across the galaxies, led by the Watchers. Bjorn was our Watcher, and we were one Clan, the Clan of the Bear. After thirteen thousand years, Bjorn fell in love with a human woman, which was forbidden for a Watcher. He married her and bore four children, which begat the four clans. Raven, Wolf, Elk and Horse...

Game Reviews

Review Title Author Name Submitted On Game Ranking
"We Got Cookies!!" Lia 11/17/22 5
"Come on in" Saren 11/16/22 5
"Best Game Ever!" Desari 03/04/23 5

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