Game Listings

Lisitings 81 to 90 of 205

ShadowGate  Added:  (10/23/19)
ShadowGate is a fantasy roleplaying text adventure set in a DnD based world.
DragonBall: Infinity  Added:  (11/06/19)
DragonBall: Infinity is the longest run DBS based and one of the longest running DB themed MUDs.
StickMUD  Added:  (12/19/19)
Medieval fantasy, skills-train-with-use, 8 classes, 18 races and actively developed!
RPG: The Multiverse  Added:  (12/20/19)
Infinite realms cry out to your hero, yearning to reach you from beyond the horizon…
Wilde Adventures MUX  Added:  (12/27/19)
Wilde Adventures MUX: A Gay/BL Storytelling Game
Realm of Shadows  Added:  (01/02/20)
Adventure awaits you in the Realm of Shadows!
Prophecy  Added:  (02/20/20)
Prophecy is an enormous, time-honored fantasy world based on David Eddings' Belgariad and Mallorean series.
Tri: Legends of the Three Continents  Added:  (03/28/20)
TRI is an anime themed text based role playing game taking place across three continents.
Firefly - Still Flyin'  Added:  (03/29/20)
Come play in the Firefly/Serenity 'Verse, on a new MUSH (still in Beta)!
DayBreak Ridge Reborn  Added:  (05/14/20)
Daybreak Ridge Reborn: A Classic MUD Since the 1990s with DarkeLIB Code.