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Up and running.
We are open, come and play. The mud has been underway for quite some time. If you like
Forgotten Realms, then Age of Humanity can be your new home. Our story takes place in
the city of Loudwater, North of Baldur's Gate. Come and explore the town of Loudwater.
And all our many all original areas, kill goblins, catch fish and talk to one another. It's all about
having fun.
Herbalism is now in and the first two things that you can use it for, are rangers firstaid and for rogue's poison.
Mining and woodcutting is now also in. The first things to craft is also in.
11 clases + avatar, 12 races.
79 skills, 124 spells. We also have lore, appraise, evaluate and more, that will help to uncover extra details about creatures and weapons.
We can always use dedicated builders, that wanna make nice and interesting new areas.
We actively use triggers, to make the mud come alive, and give people more things to do.