The Gathering...

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The realm of Tirradyn has been an active and role-play intensive wonder of words.

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The realm of Tirradyn has been an active and role-play intensive wonder of words for folks from every lifestyle to participate in shaping the society in a variety of ways since 2004. We offer over 65,000 rooms, roughly 350 areas, including over 25 inns and coasting an excess of 2000 shops. Our world is made of ten continents, four moons and another planet, with areas of interest located on all lands. Sea ships offer transportation between the continents where one can witness the dolphins swimming alongside as they travel.

The unique council of Immortals, along with active players often offers highly in-depth story-lines for characters to get involved in, solve mysteries and be a part of molding the world, for better or worse. A questing office can be found in many of the large cities for characters to gain employment and rewards of coin as well as unique objects for work performed. Players can craft their own armor and weapons, tattoos, jewelry and containers! Our questing system allows for spell-boosted objects and custom pets.

Many areas are classified as Empires. In these lands, characters are encouraged to get involved in the society and can climb the proverbial ladder, eventually claiming a title of respect or a reputation that might instill fear! Like dragons? You’ll love our NPC Dragon Council!

A character can be a member of a guild and a religion. The religions reflect the roster of Gods and Goddesses of Tirradyn. Some members of the pantheon are highly visible and others prefer to keep a distance from the spotlight. As may be expected, the differences in such a wide world can present rising angers and heated debates that often turn to physical outcomes. We have skilled players in the art of role-play-combat and anticipate the option of PK being implemented in the future for those more inclined to that manner of battle.

It is easy to make a name for oneself, positively or negatively, depending on the style and preferences of the character/player. We appreciate and always consider ideas submitted by our players. TG is home and a community that many of us spend the majority of our free time actively seeking to improve and enhance to an even better atmosphere. We welcome visitors to come and spend time with us and see if we may be the perfect place for your creativity.

Game Reviews

Review Title Author Name Submitted On Game Ranking
"The Gathering..." Haeria 12/03/22 5
"Potential and Sunk Cost" Grognard 08/14/23 5
"Nearly 20 years!" Tirradyn Realm 11/26/23 5
"RED FLAG! DO NOT PLAY!" Player 03/14/25 5
"Dead for a reason" ! 06/25/24 5
"The Absurdity of TG..." Anon 08/22/24 5
"Lies and Disappointment" Old Player 01/01/25 5

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