Reviewed By: Old Player
Reviewed Date: 01/01/25
My status in this game is: Player
I have been a member of this game since: 01/01/70
I think this game is: 5 / 5
I was once an old player for this MUD who spent over a decade building up stories for many characters, some funny and others serious. Still, the MUD always has had a major issue with favoritism and shady affairs from the very start. As the MUD aged, I started to notice cracks and red flags appearing in both the staff and how they were conducting themselves, both socially and in how they implemented rules and changes. These issues were raised, but every single time were they waved off and dismissed as unfounded. However, over time, these concerns were proven to be true and detrimental to the MUD as a whole.
Players were being restricted little by little like a twisting vice, and players began to strike by with feedback and criticism of the handling of the MUD. I was one of those people who pointed out the issues with the MUD, multiple times in fact, but the staff continued to wave them off. This caused friction between the staff and their veteran players; those who have been around on the MUD the longest, and it was these same staff who alienated their oldest and devoted players.
It then got to the point that members of the staff, though not all of them, began to lie and make things up about these players, even going so far as to create false claims and stories. While this was a problem, what only encouraged the problem was that these people, when they were found to have been lying and making things up about players, were never punished by the administration and left to continue their lies over and over again. This created an even bigger rift between the players and the staff.
After years of complaints, attempted smearing from certain people on the staff, and the staff in general just getting sick of the continued feedback; I was eventually banned under false pretense and accusations, much to the anger of plenty of players outside of the MUD.
While I have only heard of snippets of what has been going on within the MUD; it seems overall that they have continued to go downhill and lose a lot of their veteran players. They even went through a few phases where they claimed that they were shaking things up and changing things for the better, but all inquiries into the changes were only met with that they basically made it up and never fulfilled what they promised to improve things.
Even today, there are still major problems with the MUD and its staff. Just out of principle, I would not recommend this MUD for dedicated players.