Reviewed By: Player
Reviewed Date: 03/14/25
My status in this game is: Player
I have been a member of this game since: 01/01/70
I think this game is: 5 / 5
It's NOT as advertised.
It's not PvE or PvP. Finding roleplay outside of set events is nearly impossible, and those events are a WASTE of time.
Cringeworthy characters walk their lands! Many active characters are SRP and even RAPE focused.
Why does it call itself a MUD? It not even a game. More like a forum using a MUD code for descriptions and some concept of 'walking around' for RP, and nothing else.
A lot of the mechanics aren't used in roleplay. It's like they use tabletop RP methods, with rolling dice, and an entire stat system separate from the one you start from.
Levelling DOESN'T matter.
The starting stats DON'T matter.
All the work in practices and trains DON'T matter.
And it CRASHES constantly. You could LOSE EVERYTHING if you're not careful and they DON'T warn you.
The staff seem like they have zero motivation to fix anything that would actually make it a game and make it FUN.
Most of the players are even IDLE and don't interact with anyone IC in a positive way.
Everyone in the game seem EXHAUSTED and PARANOID of each other except for a 'chosen few'. The trust issues I ran into were INSANE.