
Reviewed By: Wyseth
Reviewed Date: 11/08/24
My status in this game is: Player
I have been a member of this game since: 01/01/70
I think this game is: 5 / 5

Mud for life!

As a old player for the thunderdome days, nukefire is a refreshing example of the modern mud.

The Imms spend an insane amount of time coding and adding new features to make the game enjoyable for the current timeframe.

Most of us have family and commitments that make is so it is incredibly difficult to play the old style muds. Changes have been made and are continually made to make things more efficient and easier to play with limited time.

But besides the ease of play, the amount of new classes and areas is amazing! There are always new challenges and the playerbase is incredibly friendly.

Come stop by and take a look. As someone that has played muds for decades I find Nukefire to be highly enjoyable.

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