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It was 1999. The red star Talos appeared in the sky after the week of nightmares. It was believed this star had appeared in the past, heralding cataclysmic events, Pompeii for example. A Grand Convocation was called together. In the end 500 mage, and their custodes, fled into the newly created horizon realm called Unity. For the past 23 years they have carved out an existence. Surviving with only a large Wellspring. Even then, quintessence and tass are commodities in any way they can be found. And whatever became of the planet they left behind.
Ascension Sojourns in a Mage 20th Anniversary game accepting beta testers ahead of a soft opening this fall, and grand opening this winter. Tradition Mage, Mortals, Sorcerers, Psychics, and Bygone are currently accepted.
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