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After a devastating attack by the Borg on the Alpha and Beta Quadrants, they were finally defeated by the combined efforts of multiple Starfleet crews and a new, powerful species known as the Caeliar. After defeating the Collective and absorbing them into the Caeliar Gestalt, they depart for unknown. With entire fleets shattered, worlds destroyed or rendered lifeless it has been left to the Federation and Starfleet to begin the rebuilding process.
Opposing powers, seeing a weakened Federation decided to form a new super power, known as the Typhon Pact. This group would include the Romulan, Breen, Tholian, and Gorn governments among others. In response the Federation and Klingon empires reaffirmed their friendship, forming the Khitomer Accords. With time the Ferengi and Cardassian empires also joined the Khitomer Accords. During this time the Federation also dispatched a newly refit Voyager and a small fleet of Quantum Slipstream equipped ships to journey back to the Delta Quadrant and confirm the Borg threat has been neutralized once and for all.