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Constantly undergoing changes daily as we break away from the Saga Clone-age and work towards being a more Unique Dragonball MUD.
We offer a newbie friendly environment. We encourage roleplaying, but do not enforce it. We have many unique systems that allow players to expand in may different directions. Whether it be Roleplaying, Player Killing, or just playing the game.
We offer a working clan system, a unique reincarnate system, A Race Rank system, Automatic questing, as well as a wide range of areas and races. The mud is always being worked on, by our friendly immortal staff.
Players are willing to help newbies along whenever asked. Immortals are very hands on when it comes to the players, because we believe that the mud is yours just as much as ours.
Currently hiring RP Immortals, Enforcers and Builders. Any one interested should apply via our Discord.