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The good old 'World wars ending the world and a fresh new world being born from the ashes' type of thing, added into that are fantasy elements, cyberpunkesque at certain places, sci-fi techyness and other things that provides freedom of creation overall and they are sort of made to get-along well in the theme. Main focus is to have fun and RP despite having a more unforgiving fast combat focus when it happen, PK/PvP exists though it is optional... Though it's overall chill and OOC area exists, it is crucial you keep the illusion of fantasy by roleplaying when in the game world. The name of the mud is out of a song's name cause why not.
This is mostly lightly modified coffeemud with scripted elements as much as possible, and making use of what's within the engine due having limited coding knowledge.
The mud contains nsfw contents that may be considered extreme and must be avoided by snowflakes.
All players must be above 18 years old, all characters must be 18 years old or higher to engage in erp and similiar activites. (Recommended to just create them that way to spare yourself the potential trouble)
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