City of Ages

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One Man's Magic is Another Man's Technology

banner for City of Ages

VB6 MUD with Visually Impaired Mode!

A MUD set in a dungeon environment, with a twist. A world

of an ancient race disappeared leaving behind technology

that existed over a millennia ago. All their mystical

technologies were forgotten or lost across a hundred

worlds. Species across the universe come to seek new

technologies on these worlds and clues to the disappearance

of the ancients. Venture forth and meet many travelers

between your quests and rediscover the ancients and gain

their mystical powers embedded in their technologies.



Immersive commands: Map - Scan - Look - Peek at everything plus 100s of other commands

Fishing! Golf! Secret locations! Stargates! Starships! Secret planets to visit!

Forge items to train and build your character with Crowns of Glory

If you die, you do not corpse your equipment!

Magic Words and MARK and RECALL to explore the realm

Ten quest engines: Quest Masters, Guide Masters,

Group Quests - Mob Raids, Armagaddon, Bounty Hunts, Starship phaser quests!

Detailed skills when battling creatures of the realm

Built in MAP command that follows you around - no mapping required!

IAS, Blocking, Martial arts, and more!

We added SLAY so low levels with high SLAY items can kill higher level mobs

Tonns of unique and updated skills on items, to learn from a teacher, and hidden ones to find!

Magic Find to get items from creatures of the realm

Full Item randomization! Stats, Rares, Uniques, Treasures!

Great spells on items!

Pilot your own Warp Drive starship! Use your starship as your house as well!

Admins can build players Player Houses for even more room!

Find Gold, and gamble it: Horse Racing! Slots Gambling! A perfect Roulette board! A very real Stock market!

Risk in Space with colonizations.

Factions so players can take over areas together, another sort of Risk type game.

Glory to forge your favorite items! The Game has 20 different ways to find glory, or be rewarded glory for just playing!

This MUD also has a Report system called PAGES, and you can see top players and so on.

Chests to open!

Admins can build mobs, mobs with skills and spells, traps, water areas, more rooms to explore!



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Game Reviews

Review Title Author Name Submitted On Game Ranking
"Fun MUD" Lynne 12/08/21 5

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