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Three-hundred years ago, the violent, tyrannical rule of Sesi-kai came to a bloody end on the continent of Ama'rane. For years, his malice and greed ravaged the world of Eihydia and resulted in an innumerable loss of life. Within the first century of recovery, Eihydia saw the rise of five nations that worked independently to restore social and economic stability to their homelands, but a global effort was needed to ensure lasting peace.
To commemorate the bicentennial anniversary of Sesi-kai's defeat, the five nations entered into an alliance that formed the Alamarian Empire. Tralisia, the Alamarian Empire's capital city, was founded in Alamare (located on Ama'rane) and serves as the midway point for all five nations.
Your story takes place after the tricentennial celebrating the end of Sesi-kai's rule. Since it was founded, Tralisa has become a major world trade hub and a cultural melting pot, but as the city has grown, so have its enemies--both domestic and abroad. Corruption, dangerous threats, and the wild, unpredictable nature of Ama'rane have all made Tralisia a deadly place to live. Take part in helping your fellow heroes maintain Tralisia's status as a beacon of peace and hope, or work with other villains to bring the city, and maybe even the world, to its knees.
A Tempest Season offers a rich role-play enforced environment with a completely unique, wonderful, and sometimes weird world. We have an active combat system, quest system, and a multitude of ways to progress your character via specializations, aptitudes, extended ability levels, and more! With a full-time coder and an active staff, you can expect updates and new features being added everyday. We have an amazing community that is focused on having fun and including everyone in their many adventures. Come visit our Disord at We look forward to seeing you in Tralisia!!!