
Game Details

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Not Enforced
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Game Type
Player Killing
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Host Name:burningmud.com


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Connection Tested: 03/12/25 05:06 am GMT

Last Successful Connection: 03/12/25 05:06 am GMT

Play Now

Join an ancient world of epic scale and difficulty spanning across two massive continents!

Burning MUD has a long history of hack n' slash, going all the way

back to around 1990, with the current version online since 1996.

Join us and see why Burning is one of the longest running MUDs

in history!

Join an ancient world of epic scale and difficulty spanning across two

massive continents, fighting intense battles in groups of up to 50

players or more to defeat nearly immortal creatures. Adventurer,

be warned!

With Burning Multi-classing, there are over 60 deadly

combinations of character classes to explore such as the

Rogue/Mage, a deadly combination of treachery and magic, or

the Templar/Templar, so focused in his holy arts that he can

perform a miracle on a dying ally, or even something more exotic

like the Nightblade/Warlock, whom embraces the dark arts and

lives her life as an assassin.

Team up and explore the depths of the Well, a 20-level deep

cavernous expanse of over 6,000 procedurally generated rooms,

each level harder and more rewarding than the last. Facing down

creatures of unspeakable power who reside in the depths of the

Well can be difficult even for large groups of experienced players,

but the rewards can be great. Here you can find fragments of

elemental essence, which when collected, can transform your

character into a new race, and more.

Become a powerful force in a massive world of over 400 areas, with

thousands of unique items and creatures. Join us adventurer, as

there are yet powerful foes who remain undefeated, and we need

your help!

Game Reviews

Review Title Author Name Submitted On Game Ranking
"I tried this but after an" Jennifer Kent 03/03/23 3

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