The Land of Karchan

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Where one can change into a hero with a single swipe of his sword.

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Karchan is a fantasy game. It has horror elements at times depending on what storylines you build, and some people consider it to have mild steampunk leanings at times. It was originally created to resemble Lord of the Rings, but has greatly evolved over time to include a variety of other fantasy themes.

It is 100% free to play, ad free, and there are no pay-to-play features. Anything you want in Karchan can usually given to those who roleplay, not for a price.

Customization is easy in Karchan, and deputies (admin) can give you specialized looks. Our condition command makes it easy to write in whatever clothes or appearance flourishes you desire. HTML is allowed, meaning you can outfit your condition with (appropriate) pictures.

We also have character sheets where you can post about your character's back story, or other pertinent information you'd like highlighted.

Homes and guilds are given freely to those who rp regularly.


The sky is literally the limit. While you originally only get to pick from a handful of races, speaking to a Deputy (admin) really opens up the possibilities, as they can set your race to anything you want within reason.


There are around 70 deities in game, from super powerful gods to lesser deities and divine spirits. You can have your character follow a deity or not, it is up to you whether or not you join a religion in game.


We currently have a desert area, a shady port town teeming with criminals and lowlifes, a magical town governed by divine witches, ruins, a dreamworld governed by a goddess, a massive underwater area for sea folk, a huge forest for the werewolves, a labyrinth, a fishing town on a mountain, a winter wonderland, a modest capital, and a town eternally shrouded in midnight. That doesn't even include the various islands and the city in the sky!


There are many guilds in game that you can join. There are Knights, Rangers, a werewolf pack, lowlife gangs, bird shifters, evil paladins, a pirate ship or two, a guild for sea folk, as well as community guilds and guilds that represent prominent families.


We are looking for people with original characters that love to write and build story lines with other people. We are looking for people that are not afraid to jump into an rp even if they weren't there for the very beginning of it. We are looking for roleplayers that can play well with othe

Game Reviews

Review Title Author Name Submitted On Game Ranking
"Brilliant game" RPfever 05/10/14 5
"Great game to grow older " Mya 05/19/14 5
"I love this game." Victoria 06/04/14 5
"Oldie chiming in" Ryvel 05/08/24 5

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