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Demanding roleplay, strong guilds, advanced economics, deadly politics, in depth religion and great ships!

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Ateraan is a full featured Intensive Roleplaying Game. Offering several unique and powerful guilds, races, politics, religion, justice, economy, and a storyline that is dominately player controlled with a history and background based on a novel for more robust roleplay direction.

The Guilds range from your standard Fighter and Mage to the strange Retter and unique Merchant which is widely accepted as an enhanced roleplaying Guild with exciting features like guard hiring caravans, ship building and repair, clan building, house builing, auction houses, theater control, and separations of weapons and armour.

Religion is a topic of large debate and conflict, but definitely not the only one. With racial cities and two distinct nations of varying loyalty and politics, Ateraan abounds in opportunities for the new immigrant and the long time established player. Social standing can be as important as strength of arms and starting in New Worlds is simple and direct with staff members, guides and experience players to assist you.

Murder and intrique can find you in dark alleys or on a highway, or you can seek gold and fame with groups ranging in size from solo to twenty or more adventurers raiding a stronghold, or you can relax on an open beach while fishing, digging for clams, finding crabs, or swimming in shark infested waters.

The diversity of roleplay and adventure in New Worlds is astounding as you will find yourself aligned with a faith or clan, race or guild, or on a romantic get away to an inn or resturaunt with intelligent servers, or perhaps smoking gnome pipes while watching a theatrical performance in a fully operational and player run grand theater. And the serious roleplay only matches the hundreds of weapons, armours, creaturs, artifacts, and items of power.

A newest feature is the massive shipyards that boast several unique styles of ships from the tiny two man dinghy to the sleek and fast cutter, to the huge fifteen crew and multiple room yacht, to the fortress of the sea war galleon that boasts over nine distinct and seperate weapons.

Our ships and seas offer exciting quests, deep sea fishing, cargo caravan runs from various ports, pirate hoves and enemy ships, the ability to board and sink opposing ships, go on whaling runs, and battle other players at sea, even to the point of massive armada combat.

All we ask of our roleplay focused playerbase is that you remain in character while in the game.

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